Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Please share your thoughts

Are you a student/prospective student? Parent, faculty member, staff?  What are you interested in seeing/learning from/reading in this Blog?  We are looking forward to your thoughts.


  1. Are you a student? family member? faculty? other alli? We'd like to read your story.

  2. I am a family member and a staff member in a disabilities office. I would like to hear more about the experiences that students have had that worked, did they have peer mentoring and was it helpful.
    Also anything related to the continued need for speech therapy

  3. Thank you. Working in higher ed, for many students on the spectrum, requires a joint effort: student, disabilities provider, and sometimes parents (at least in the beginning). Every situation, as you know, is different. I am hopefully that others will speak their specific experiences.
